Breaking down the 'Boys: Tight endsBreaking down the 'Boys: Tight endsThis group has to average more than two receptions per outing if this team hopes to compete for a conference titleCody TuckerCody Tucker
Whose stock is on the rise in Laramie?These players made plenty of plays in UW's 34-24 setback in Fort CollinsCody TuckerCody Tucker
Can someone please throw the ball to Nate Weinman?Can someone please throw the ball to Nate Weinman?The big tight end joked Wednesday that he hopes to be much more than just a blocker in 2020Cody TuckerCody Tucker
Interested in seeing tight ends make plays this fall? You’re not aloneInterested in seeing tight ends make plays this fall? You’re not aloneBohl said this group might be the best he's had in his seven seasons in LaramieCody TuckerCody Tucker
ANALYSIS: Will tight ends be more involved in passing game?ANALYSIS: Will tight ends be more involved in passing game?Jackson Marcotte showed he could catch anything in his direction in 2019Cody TuckerCody Tucker
Bohl & Co. release depth chart after Saturday scrimmageBohl & Co. release depth chart after Saturday scrimmageWeber, Galovich named No. 1's; four true freshmen make the cutCody TuckerCody Tucker