Rants & Raves: Border War 2020 Edition
Before the clock actually ran out in the 31-7 win against the Rainbow Warriors in Laramie last week, the "beat the sheep" memes and bronze boot posts were already flying as Pokes fans prepared for the 112th Border War game against CSU.
Posts like the following from Cody Kelly, former Pokes starting offensive lineman from the class of '93:
Cody Kelly: (Facebook) "GO FN' POKES! Just wait till I draw a sheep tag!"
But before the clock actually ran out in Ft. Collins Thursday night, the song on social media had turned sullen.
The feverish pride that had been palpable all week turned to shock and anger 2:57 into the first quarter when CSU stole a pass from Levi Williams and took it to the house.
The frustration and disbelief of watching the coveted bronze boot slip away for the first time in half a decade, you may not be surprised at what you find on this week's edition of rants and raves. If you're a fan, you probably know someone who made it in this week.
First Quarter
Mike Power (Facebook) DAMMMIIIIITTTTT
Crystal Roberts-Kuehler (Facebook) Damnnn
Scott Dorris (Facebook) We’re not playing focused at all...almost lethargic
Casey Dearcorn (Facebook) Coach, please send someone back to the bus and tell the team to get their ass off of it.
Ron Behnke (Facebook) I'm tired of people saying Vigen's offense is complicated. Everyone in that stadium knew Valladay was getting the ball on that 4th down. So predictable.
Joe Foland (Facebook) Didn’t come ready to play! Might wanna start the bus.
Misty Shassetz (Facebook) Slow start for the cowboys but I got faith they ll get it together
Second Quarter
Mike Gardner (Facebook) Yaaaay we got the point things on the bill board!!!
Misty Shassetz (Facebook) There we go Now D get us that ball back please and thank you.
Travis WebB (Facebook) OMG...we have our heads so far up our asses...this is embarrassing. We are playing STUPID football right now! Nobody is getting ice cream after the game!!!
Marianne Scotty Cochran (Facebook) I really had great feelings we were going to dominate from the start! So disappointed! Where is our tough offensive line?
Kirk Leischner (Facebook) I see the O line talking making some adjustments on the go.
David Gonzales (Facebook) This game is like this goddamn election. I can't watch. Just wanna come back in a few days and hope for the best.
Kirk Leischner (Facebook) Penalties...turnovers .. uggh!
Xavier Padilla (Facebook) How you gonna just call a running into the kicker dude tackled him
Third Quarter
Keenan Jenkins (Facebook) Great catch, not a great throw. Should’ve been a TD. We’ll take it for now though
Scott Dorris (Facebook) Can’t trade field goals with TDs...they just want it more.
Misty Shassetz (Facebook) Wow well so far this game sums up 2020.
Steve McDonald (Facebook) Run up the middle, run up the middle .... oh wait 4th down??? Run up the middle.
Chris Arntt (Facebook) Our defensive coordinator needs to keep pressing and stop this BS prevent crap.
Fourth Quarter
Marianne Scotty Cochran (Facebook) Penalty Penalty Bad Snap Can't get the punt done! Are we deliberately trying to lose? Sure looks like it!
BK Heuer (Facebook) The worst performance I have seen in many years.
Kristin McLean (Facebook) And the fact that every play we run is up the middle! Is our playbook really that shallow! Pathetic!
Chris Hall (Facebook) Here we go! Making it interesting.
Kirk Leischner (Facebook) When we pressure their qb he is off the mark. Let's go Cowboys
Chans Woolery (Facebook) We beat ourselves tonight.
Kevin Baldwin (Facebook) We aren’t built to come from behind to win games. If we turn the ball over we don’t have the playbook or schemes to hit big plays and score quickly. Same story every year. Gotta do something to improve, we’re an average football team year in and year out. Just good enough to stay content but still not improving.
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