Spirit spotlight
SAN DIEGO -- Each week, 7220sports.com photographer, DJ Johnson, highlights a member of the University of Wyoming Spirit squad.
This week …
Ali Kopp
Casper, WY
Psychology/Human Development
Q: What is your favorite part of being a member of the University of Wyoming’s Spirit Squad?
A: My favorite thing about being on the squad is all of the opportunities that we are given. We get to travel to all of the Bowl Games, Mountain West Tournaments, select away games, and we get to compete at other events such as nationals.
Q: Having grown up in Casper, you’re pretty familiar with the Wyoming lifestyle and what it’s like to life in the state. Having come from a larger Wyoming town, what is your favorite thing about living in Laramie?
A: I really enjoy the college town vibe. It’s definitely a lot smaller of where I’m from, but it’s really cool to be surrounded by all of these college students, and I love that everyone one in the town rallies around the University.
Q: If you had to give advice to a 12-year old child, who wanted to become a collegiate cheerleader, what advice would you give them?
A: I would tell them that they need to work on their skills, because no matter what you can always get better. I’d also tell them to continually pursue their dream of making a squad and never give up on that dream, no matter the circumstance. Personally, I didn’t think I was going to try out for cheerleading in college, however right before tryouts I decided that I would go for it, so I pushed for it and was able to achieve it. Just keep up the hard work and pursue what you want, even if you don’t think that it’s possible.
Q: What are some of your favorite hobbies, and where do you enjoy doing them at?
A: I really like to go hiking. I’ve hiked in "The Snowies" and Vedauwoo quite often. Snowmobiling is also a lot of fun, even though I really haven’t been in while, I’d really like to get back into that more … if I had the time!
Q: If I were to give you two plane tickets anywhere in the world, where would you go and who would you take?
A: I would take my mom because she is my favorite person to travel with, and we would probably go to Australia. We’d choose Australia because neither one of us have been there and it would be so much fun to see somewhere new … oh, and I also love kangaroos!
Q: Speaking of foreign travel, have you traveled outside of the United States, and if so, where to and what was your favorite destination?
A: Actually, I have traveled to over 16 foreign countries, and I’d have to say the most interesting was Japan. On that same trip, I also got to visit Russia and both of those were quite interesting and such a culture shock to me.
My favorite food is pasta
My favorite color is pink
My favorite animal is a giraffe
My favorite song is Burning by Sam Smith
Do you karaoke? No
If you were to karaoke, what song would you sing? Don’t Stop Believing by Journey
When not cheering what would you be wearing? Jeans, a hoodie and tennis shoes
Do you know how to ride a horse? Yes
Do you know who Chancey Williams is? Yes
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